Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Kurs på Stockholms Universitet

Alrighty, I promised my parents I'd write about my classes so forgive me if I bore you, but here they are:

I'm taking four classes this semester,
Swedish I
Europe and the World Economy
Women in Swedish Society and Culture
Urban and Rural Landscapes in Modern Scandinavian Art and Architecture

Swedish is fun and we have it in the morning three days a week. Our prof, Eva, is really great. I'm totally terrible at Swedish though, especially vowels (Swedish has three extra ones that have you make really bizare faces). The econ class is really dry, por usual, and is all macroeconomics. The 'Women' class should be fun. All the girls in my program are taking it and that boy, Benedict, who I mentioned earlier. He is a real... I guess 'character' would be the most polite way to put it. He's sure to make the class interesting. The prof seems to really know what she's talking about, but I find myself being distracting in class deciding whether or not she has always been a woman... The 'Art and Architecure' class will be fun. We take fieldtrips every other week to buildings and museums, but it is unfortunately until 5 every Friday.

Stockholm University has a policy of 45 minutes of class followed by a 15 minute break called 'fika' which is my favorite thing about Sweden so far. Fika is something like a long coffee break that Swedes take approx 7 times a day and it can last hours. Some professors have been giving us 30 minute breaks every 20 minutes or so. It's actually a little hard to get used to, but I'm not complaining. Another plus to fika are the Swedish cinnamon buns, kannelbulle, which have significantly increased my quality of life since arriving. I think many of my peers would agree.

1 comment:

LJ said...

We had those weird snack/tea breaks in Australia too- it was called "smoko". Crazy foreigners.